Maintex completed first stage of project “Integrated asset health indicators” at major oil refinery

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In 2012, PJSC Rosneft was the first Russian company that started to improve reliability at its site: Ryazan Oil Refinery implemented Meridium APM, a reliability and risk management solution.

The next step to develop digital production and improve reliability was introduction of mobile equipment inspections in 2016. This included optimization of operating personnel’s walk-downs taking into account equipment criticality, establishment of procedures for walk-downs and inspections of different types of machines, and drawing up of recommendations.

The taken measures enabled the transfer onto a new level of equipment health control and prepared the ground for further development.

In 2017, PJSC Rosneft continued to cultivate and improve the risk management system and culture: the first stage of the project “Integrated asset health indicators” was completed. Following the results of the project, an integrated asset integrity monitoring system will be built at the site.

Within the project framework, a complex equipment status control, monitoring and analysis system was developed. Asset health has 5 key parameters: health, performance, availability, maintenance and strategy efficiency, and total cost of ownership. All these parameters will be thoroughly monitored and analyzed using indicators.

Through continuous automated collection of data on technical equipment status by indicators, operators will receive online comprehensive information on asset health. This will ensure timely defect and failure detection and immediate measures to restore availability of the plant technical equipment.

Specifics of this projects are that a unified information space will be created to manage equipment maintenance and reliability through integration of several advanced software solutions, including flows of works record data, mobile inspection and walk-down results, and process data. Multilevel integration of several platforms will allow to implement a strategy for equipment maintenance and repair based on its status.

To achieve the set goals, the project will include the following activities:

  • Refitting of the existing plant equipment with GE System 1 for vibration diagnostic of rotating equipment and RESURS-2000 for acoustic emission monitoring. Thanks to integration of the systems, it is possible to store and collect data in real time, provide alarm signaling, output intuitive graphical data (trends, charts), configure, import and consolidate process data, output thermodynamic characteristics, and remotely access data from the plant network. It is particularly important that detection of potential defects on site and their probable causes can now be performed at earlier development stages;

  • Deployment of the GE SmartSignal predictive diagnostics system. GE SmartSignal is a module for preventive statistical analysis of equipment state (predictive analytics). Main system functions include equipment status monitoring, equipment state diagnostics, collection of process data, limit value check, and analysis of trends, failures and defects;

  • Implementation of a multilevel asset health indicator system within the GE Digital APM (Meridium APM) system. Data from multiple asset indicators are accumulated on the GE Digital APM platform. Here, multilevel analysis of data as well as risk and equipment criticality assessment take place. Using complete online information on equipment status in one graphic interface, plant personnel can develop a robust maintenance program based on risks and equipment state data.

“At Ryazan Oil Refinery, for the first time in the world, diverse information on equipment is integrated in GE Digital APM (Meridium APM) into a single indicator system to improve asset management efficiency,” says Roman Romakhin, Maintex Executive Director. “Following the results of the work, we are expecting significant improvement of production efficiency through real-time equipment state monitoring.”