Uralchem is on the way of reliability growth

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Maintex consultants completed complex audit of asset maintenance and repairs processes at Uralchem facilities.

The united chemical company Uralchem started asset management improvement processes from carrying out the audit. Works on carrying out an assessment of current state of these processes were entrusted the Maintex company possessing considerable experience of transformation the practician of business management on the way to operational excellence in the field of asset management. The goal of the first stage is set unambiguously - to give understanding of the existing situation in the field of asset management at the enterprise that on the one hand is the analysis and documenting of a situation "as is", on the other hand – the basis necessary for objective formation of target model of business management processes of maintenance, repairs and reliability of the equipment.

Three largest production sites of a complete cycle were assessed within the project – "Azot" in the city of Berezniki, "KCKK" in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk and "Minudobrenia" in the city of Perm. During implementation of the project by the Maintex consultants the following tasks were completed:

  • Complex examination of a control system of fixed assets and reliability is conducted;

  • The current maturity level of production asset management processes of the enterprise in comparison with the world best practices is determined;

  • The target level of processes of asset management is described and the list of actions for its achievement is developed.

"It should be noted high degree of professionalism of company staff with whom close work was carried out during implementation of the project" – Roman Romakhin, the executive director of JSC Maintex comments. "Nevertheless, audit opened additional potential for improvement of the enterprises in the field of asset management of assets. Uniqueness consists that the Uralchem facilities will be able to exchange in the future the best practices of asset reliability management that will increase effect from an initiative and considerably will reduce the term of return of investments".

About the UralChem company

URALCHEM Holding P.L.C., a company incorporated in Cyprus and the holding company for URALCHEM Group, one of the largest producers of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers in Russia and the CIS. URALCHEM Group is the largest ammonium nitrate producer in Russia and the second largest ammonia and nitrogen fertilizer producer in Russia.

More information http://uralchem.com

About Maintex

Maintex is a part of OMEGALLIANCE® group. Maintex provides a full range of services in the field of strategic asset management, including optimization and automation of maintenance, repairs, and reliability processes. Maintex solutions are based on the experience of the world's largest consulting companies specializing on asset management, adapted for the Russian market for practical application by the domestic enterprises. As the official partner of the Meridium company the Maintex renders services in implementation of best-of-breed solutions for asset reliability management at the territory of Russia and the CIS.

More information http://www.maintex.ru