The basis for the RCA (Root Cause Analysis) can serve as the occurrence of undesirable events associated especially with mission-critical equipment, leading to significant losses in the company.
The application of RCA methodology helps equipment owners better understand the root causes of failures in a specific area or the whole class equipment and use this information to prevent them in the future and, consequently, mitigate financial losses.
Using the methodology of the RCA provides:
- Reduce unscheduled downtime of equipment;
- Decrease the number of reduce overall performance cases and related damages;
- Reduction the number of suboptimal use of raw materials cases;
Eliminating unnecessary energy consumption and other resources.
Unfortunately, many companies using the analysis of the root causes, not utilizing the full potential of integrated RCA workflow for the following reasons:
- The process of collecting and documenting data necessary to support RCA, takes a lot of time;
- The tasks of the RCA is usually tied to a specific entity or department and not involved the exchange of analysis results;
- The recommendations of the RCA is only useful if their negotiation and implementation.
We help companies solve these problems by using specialized tools to carry out analysis of the root causes that allow analysts to implement various RCА stages, including data storage of failures, data analysis, reporting of results and recommendations results tracking.
The use of specialized solutions enables the implementation of a systematic approach to identifying root causes of failures and develop meaningful recommendations to eliminate or reduce them. Documenting chain of events, which resulted in failure, allows analysts to develop recommendations for optimization of asset management processes and personnel to prevent similar events in the future.